Cecilia Forsythe, Curriculum Development Coordinator at Adult Learning Wales, has spent over 25 years Teaching, Coordinating, and Managing, a variety of Learning Activities at Primary and Secondary Education levels, as well as in the Adult Community Learning sector, including overseas and national delivery, coordination and management of ESOL, EAL, EFL, Literacy Skills, Numeracy Skills, Employability Skills, Digital Literacy Skills and Modern Foreign Languages.
Cecilia currently coordinates a large variety of learning activities in the SW&Mid Region of Wales, at Adult Learning Wales, in the UK, where she is responsible for the operational and quality focused coordination and development of curriculum areas including ESOL, Adult Literacy and Numeracy, Employability, Life Skills and Digital Skills. She also coordinates activities linked to National Heritage, Welsh History and Politics, Art and Design, Peace Education and Global Citizenship and World History.
In June, 2024, Cecilia attended the 2024 EAEA Annual Conference in Helsinki, Finland, alongside Beth John, where she met Professor Dina Soeiro and delivered an initial presentation of the project to EAEA members/peers.