Logotipo APCEP
O “RODÍZIO”, ou roda de azenha, era o emblema do Infante D. Afonso, o futuro D. Afonso V. A imagem do permanente movimento de um… Read More »Logotipo APCEP
APCEP – the Portuguese Association for Lifelong Culture and Education – is a legal entity which is entirely independent from established powers, political parties or churches, whose primary aim lies on the promotion of lifelong learning and cultural development. Ultimately APCEP intends to actively contribute in the implementation of an “educational society” in Portugal – for everyone, at all stages of life and in every quarter of society. APCEP assumes its important tasks in the promotion of civic education and of active and participatory democracy, by encouraging citizens to take part in a whole range of public, social, educational, cultural, scientific, artistic and environmental activities.
O “RODÍZIO”, ou roda de azenha, era o emblema do Infante D. Afonso, o futuro D. Afonso V. A imagem do permanente movimento de um… Read More »Logotipo APCEP